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Our Team


Come meet the people of McCready and Keene and you'll discover a close-knit group of professionals who just don't begin to fit the stereotype. We admit we're a bit pickier than the average person about getting the math right, but you'll find that we also have a passion for our jobs and a true concern for our clients as people, not just as numbers in a spreadsheet.

Here are just some of the ways our people can fit your needs:

  • Unsurpassed Experience

    There are a number of professions where knowledge and accuracy are simply more critical... nobody wants a pilot or a surgeon who gets their job right most of the time. While people generally don't think of actuaries and benefits consultants as being in that same category, when it comes to retirement plans, experience truly makes a difference. An important miscalculation or poor advice can cost clients more than just dollars - it can cost people their future security. That's why we take pride in striving to be one of the best the profession has to offer. Not only are our skills exceptional, but we stay at the top through ongoing education.

  • Highly Credentialed

    Our staff is among the most qualified of any firm in the country. We're proud to count the following among our staff:

    • 5 Enrolled Actuaries
    • 2 Fellows of the Society of Actuaries
    • 5 Associates of the Society of Actuaries
    • 4 ERISA Attorneys
    • 2 Certified Paralegals
    • 4 Certified Employee Benefit Specialists
    • 49 employees with Bachelor's Degrees
    • 9 employees with Master's Degrees or higher
  • Highly Responsive

    At McCready and Keene, we have systems in place to assure you always have access to someone who can answer your questions and solve your problems. While you'll be assigned a primary contact, that person will have a team of experts behind him or her who are knowledgeable about your account and who can step in as needed.

  • Dedicated to Compliance

    Our attorneys, paralegals and compliance professionals stay up to date with IRS and Department of Labor rules, to help assure your plans are in compliance. And because we're well informed about upcoming changes, we can help you adjust plans as needed to remain in compliance most cost effectively.

  • A Team Focus

    We want to work with your other professional advisors, such as your financial advisor, attorney and accountant to assist them in taking care of your business needs. By working together we can help you save time and money.

  • An Eye on the Future

    We are known for our ability to respond to changing client needs. Many of the new services and improved processes we introduce are in direct response to client requests.